What is Python?
- Python is an interpreted, high-level, programming language. Used in many applications and for many purposes. It was designed to be easy to read and does this by using something that most programming languages don't use, whitespace. Whitespace is the indention of lines code, through tabbing (or manually adding spaces). It supports multiple programming styles, and can be implemented as scripts or through other methods.
Why Python?
- Python has many uses and is easy for beginning programmers to learn. It can be useful if you continue to use it, but also if you're only learning it to understand the mechanics of programming and/or scripting.
What is wxPython?
- wxPython is a GUI tool kit that can be used with the Python programming language. It is used by programmers to easily create functional GUIs that are crossplatform. It is currently supported by 32-bit windows OSes, most Unix and Unix-like systems, and Macintosh.
What is Tkinter?
- Tkinter is Python's default GUI tool kit. It isn't the only tool kit available for Python, but it is the most widely used.
Which should I choose?
- It is all down to personal preference, but there are various places where arguments for, and against, each of the aforementioned can be found. One of my favorites is:
These tutorials got me where I needed to be when I first started and I recommend them to anyone who has patience. :3
If you need video tutorials visit thenewboston's tutorials.
Online Book (free): How to Think Like a Computer Scientist
Python Tutorials
- Python Mega-Tutorial
Author: Xerotic
Description: This tutorial contains a general overview of some of Python's syntax, as well as additional details involving the language's use and the language itself.
- Intro to Python 3.1
Author: HeadRush
Description: This tutorial covers the basics of integers, shebangs, the print function, sleep, and importing a module. It also contains a download link.
Version: 3.1
- Intro to Python
Author: Cobra Strike
Description: This tutorial covers the basics of a "Hello World!" application, if/elif/else, loops, variables, and user-submitted input.
Version: 3.1
- Intro to Python
Author: XLII
Description: This thread contains a basic overview of several concepts.
- Intro to Python
Author: ov3r r00t
Description: This tutorial offers examples of several Python concepts, as well as links to other tutorials. (I do not recommend you start with this thread if you are new to programming.)
- Python Basics
Author: nevets04
Description: This tutorial covers several beginning concepts. It also contains two scripts. (8 Ball and Calculator)
- 3 Python Tutorials in 1
Author: Symbiotic
Description: This tutorial explains how to make a read cycle, login system, and a text file.
- Installing Python on Windows and running a script
Author: ov3r r00t
Description: This thread covers the installation of Python. (Some of the images are broken, but the text is still a good guide.)
- List comprehension
Author: Fallen
Description: "What is a list comprehension...? In a nutshell, you can think of it as a function, for loop, with if clauses that return a value(s) in a list, and only takes up one line."
- Py2Exe
Author: Batch
Description: The tutorial covers the use of the program Py2Exe.
- Makeshift exe (For *Nix and Mac)
Author: RedPill
Description: This thread contains a basic method for making a script executable without going directly through the interpreter.
- Basic Calculator
Author: Jedz
Description: This tutorial explain the basics of creating a console calculator.
- Basic Calculator
Author: _Ryuurei
Description: This thread explains the basics of creating a console calculator.
- Python Calculator
Author: Jayy x
Description: This thread covers the basics of creating a console calculator.
- Base 64 encryption
Author: flashlight
Description: The tutorial covers base16, base 32, and base64 encryption and decryption.
- Self reading script
Author: _ryuurei
Description: This is a quick tutorial that contains a method to make a script print its contents.
- DLL Injection
Author: Jedz
Description: DLL injection is the insertion of code in the address space of another process. This can be used for many things. The basic workings of the method (in Python) is contained in this tutorial.
- Simple Socket Server
Author: Jedz
Description: A socket is a part of the interaction between a server. Bound to a specific port, it is used to define the place where data is to be sent.
- TCP Flooder
Author: Jedz
Description: The TCP is used to ensure that sent packets are not lost. If it encounters an error it attempts to fix the problem. It focuses on reliability instead of reduced latency.
- UDP Flooder
Author: Jedz
Description: The UDP is used to attempt to reduce latency. The packets sent are sometimes lost, duplicated, or arrive out of order. The UPD assumes that error checking and correcting the packets sent is unneeded or performed by the application.
- Email Bomber
Author: Jedz
Description: A basic overview of a script used to send emails.
- Intro to Tkinter
Author: XLII
Description: Tkinter is the default GUI toolkit for Python. This tutorial covers a few of basics.
- Basic Calculator
Author: uber1337
Description: This tutorial contains a method for creating one of the most used GUI examples, a calculator. (Using Tkinter)
- Advanced Calculator
Author: uber1337
Description: This tutorial is a more refined version of the tutorial above.
- AND/OR Operators
Author: Majin Goten
Description: Operators are the building blocks of most things you'll create with Python. This tutorial covers two that you may use a lot.
wxPython Tutorials
- Installing wxPython
Author: Jedz
Description: wxPython is an alternative to the GUI tool kit included in Python, Tkinter. It has certain advantages, but is harder (in some people's eyes) than the included tool kit. This thread explains the basics of installing it.
- Basic Frame
Author: Jedz
Description: wxPython Tutorial #2
- Basic Frame 2
Author: Jedz
Description: wxPython Tutorial #3
- Event Binding
Author: Jedz
Description: wxPython Tutorial #4
- Menubars and events.
Author: Jedz
Description: wxPython Tutorial #5
- Alphabetizer
- Admin page searcher
- Area Calculator
- Adress Book (Python 3 Only)
- App Launcher (Windows only)
- Business Management Program
- Batch Generator
- Calculator
- City of Warscape (Text based game)
- Create a TxT for account info
- Calculator
- Calculator (Tkinter)
- Calculator
- COD4 Big Brother Bot
- Colored text (Windows Only)
- DDoS Shell Loader
- Directory Searching
- Dork Finder
- DLL Injection
- Ethical Hacker (Presentation)
- Flip a coin
- Filezilla Password Stealer
- File/Directory Name Cleaner
- File Corrupter
- Guessing Game
- Hash Generator
- Hash Generator
- Hash Generator
- HTML Bruteforcer
- IRC Bot
- IRC Bot
- Login System
- L0ckerZ Checker
- Login Script (Hash and Salt encryption)
- .Log Finder/Sender/Saver (Linux only)
- Magic Eight Ball
- Mail Bomber
- Mail Crawler
- Mailbomber
- MyBB PM Checker
- MD5 List Checker
- Multi-protocol Flooder
- Note (TxT) Maker
- Password Generator
- Python IRC Bot
- Password Generator
- Photobucket Gallery Downloader
- Pythagorean Theorem
- Password System
- Personal Assistant
- Personal Assistant
- Python Backdoor
- Porn Prank
- Password System
- Password Generator (For generating secure passwords.)
- Password Generator (For generating secure passwords.)
- Permutation
- Retro Pong (v1)
- Retro Pong (v2)
- Rock, Paper, Scissors (Text based game)
- Random Choice Generator
- RAT/Trojan
- Secure Password Generator
- Shell Loader
- SMS Sender (Sends to IPhone)
- Speed Conversion (MPH to KMH)
- Simple Anti-AV
- Text Encryptor
- Text Encryptor
- Temperature Converter
- Temperature Converter
- Temperature Conversion
- Text Encryption
- Tic-Tac-Toe
- User login and management
- What would you like to count by
- WEP Cracker
- Xchat Swear Kicker
- X-Flood (Python Flooder)
- 157 eBooks and Vidoes - Uploaded By:Insidious
- Programming in Python 3 - Uploaded By:chattaboxa
- Python e-books.zip (163.71 MB) - Uploaded By:Prominent
- Beginning Python: From Novice to Professional (Best Choice)
- A learner's guide to programming use the Python language
- Beginning Python: Using Python 2.6 and Python 3.1
- Gray Hat Python: Programming for Hackers and Reverse Engineers
- Byte of Python
- Python Ebooks
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